
How To Take The Headache Out Of Paperwork

Paperwork! For most people, form filling is not high on their enjoyment list. Neither is trying to navigate the various requirements across different States and health services. That’s where we come in.  

At Prescript, our aim is to ensure the highest standards with credentialing, customer service and recruitment processes are adhered to. I want to make life easier for the doctors and clients that we work with!

Any doctor who has worked in more than two locations (and that’s most people) will agree that it can be such a pain completing various documents, online checks and making sure everything is still valid in the process. I often have conversations with our doctors about these differing requirements, and I know it is a cause for great frustration.

However, there is some credentialing paperwork that is broadly required across most health services. Because of this we have created our own checklist - the Prescript Quality Standards (PQS).

PQS has three main benefits:

➕ Hospitals, clinics and practices can have peace of mind that each Prescript doctor has met a consistent level of background checks.

➕ Doctors can rely on PQS to help their applications stand out, plus minimise paperwork duplication.

➕ Internally we use PQS to judge when a doctor is ‘job ready’ - only doctors that have met the Prescript Quality Standards are able to start in a new position.

Because all of our clients have their own different, yet overlapping, credentialing, we thought it essential that we can rely on our own foundation of standards.

Prescript Quality Standards (PQS)

What is part of the PQS checklist?

✔️ PQS Prescript Interview Report - with one of our medical recruitment partners

✔️ PQS Registered with Prescript as a candidate

✔️ PQS Answered disclosure questions

✔️ PQS Medical Board Registration checked

✔️ PQS Shared a copy of driving licence and passport

✔️ PQS Provided proof of qualifications - Primary Degree and Fellowship

✔️ PQS CV updated for recent work history

✔️ PQS Right to work checked (citizenship and visas)

✔️ PQS Google keyword search

✔️ PQS Three reference reports (two as a minimum)

What is not part of the PQS checklist?

Working with children checks *

Police clearance reports *

* These are location specific and requested by the hospital, clinic or practice.


What Does This Mean For You?

Removing the headache of paperwork is our key driver - doctors can rely on Prescript to keep admin to the minimum, yet at the same time know that we take quality and standards seriously.

If you’d like to work with us, or simply want to join our network, just connect with Prescript by clicking the button below - we’d love to hear from you!

About Stef McLaughlin

Stef is Prescript’s Credentialing, Quality & Giving Manager, working with regional hospitals and practices across Australia to ensure that doctors start on time. Stef is responsible for Prescript’s quality management processes and our giving relationship with the Buy1Give1 programme.

There are three ways to contact Stef:

  1. Call Stef on 0416 544 577

  2. Email

  3. Click 'Connect with Prescript'

Paperwork, credentialing and travel logistics can sometimes be such a headache! My role is to ease the pain and guide all our doctors through the process. Hopefully the hospitals, clinics and doctors I work with feel they are well supported by me and the Prescript team.
— Stef McLaughlin | Credentialing, Quality and Giving Manager

Meet the Prescript Recruitment Team

We work with doctors for locum, ongoing and fixed-term positions across regional Australia. Connect with Prescript here ⬇️  


James Hill, Nicola Speer, Rebecca Doyle, Marcia Beere and Nadine Onto. Dedicated recruitment partners focused on helping doctors throughout the recruitment process.


Grace Clueit. Rapid promotion of locum, ongoing and fixed-term vacancies - helping doctors discover jobs with ease.


Stef McLaughlin and Lee Kabigting. Adhere to the highest JAS-ANZ-accredited standards of quality and credentialingManagement of paperwork and travel logistics so that doctors start on time.


Hugo Scales. Prescript's Finance & Payments Manager ensures doctors get paid promptly and smoothly.

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Prescript are medical recruitment specialists.

At Prescript we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.

Every day we’re focused on two clear outcomes - Helping hospitals find doctors that create departments and clinics that run better, have more capacity and less stress. And placing Doctors in jobs that leave them feeling highly valued, rewarded and, most importantly, enjoying what they do.

We believe that when we get these two crucial things right, it has a huge impact on the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across Australia.

There are three ways to contact us:

  1. Call 1300 755 498

  2. Email

  3. Click 'Connect with Prescript'

We’d love to hear from you!

We’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage, leaving doctors loving what they do and regional communities feeling like they have the best doctors in town.

Prescript Recruitment Newsletter - August 2019

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Hello and welcome to our first-ever newsletter!

Prescript is known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia, but how well do you know the team behind the name?

It has been a very busy year so far, and we wanted to share a bit more of what happens behind the scenes at Prescript.

From fourth birthday celebrations to new team members, awards nights to BIG giving goals – just a few of our highlights!

We couldn’t do what we do without you, so thank you. We hope you enjoy reading more about Prescript.

James Hill - Founder & Recruitment Partner
Prescript Recruitment
P: 1300 755 498 | E:

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Prescript Is Four Years Old

Late March marked four years since Prescript opened its doors as medical recruitment specialists, and what a (wonderful) whirlwind it's been!

A lot has changed over the last four years, click below to find out about four of the lessons we’ve learned along the way.

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Prescript's Giving Goal

At Prescript, we want to make sure our values flow through everything we do. That’s the reason why we decided to set an annual giving goal through our partnership with the Global Giving Business initiative, B1G1.

Through 2019 and beyond, our BIG goal is to provide 10,000 days of Medical Care to children in the slums of India.

This could not have been made possible without all of your support. By working and engaging with Prescript over the past few months, you have directly impacted Prescript’s Giving Goal and provided medical care to children living in desperate poverty – Thank You.

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Welcoming Nadine (Martin) Onto

We recently welcomed our newest member onboard – Nadine (Martin) Onto. Nadine is Prescript’s Senior Recruitment Partner with a focus on Psychiatry locum and permanent positions across Australia and New Zealand. 

Nadine is based in our new Melbourne office - Feel free to pop in and have a coffee with her, she’d love to hear from you!  

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Prescript's Premium Recruitment Solutions

At Prescript, we pride ourselves on quality. We believe it's so important to showcase our clients’ vacancies in a visually appealing and clear manner. This helps doctors better understand positions and assists hospitals & practices in attracting the best applicants for their role.

Prescript's Premium Recruitment Solutions are a great example of this high-quality work we produce for our clients.

Grace Clueit is Prescript’s marketing specialist and one part of her role is managing the marketing for our Premium Recruitment Solutions. They are blended retained/contingent projects and we carefully choose which positions we work on. Our recruitment projects are normally for a 3-month period, and we are committed to filling each vacancy.

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Read Grace’s blog on the secret to attracting doctors to a permanent position – you’ll find examples of our recent videos, campaigns and location reports – all part of Prescript’s Premium Recruitment Solution.

Finalist At The 2019 Australian Small Business Champion Awards

Prescript had a fantastic evening celebrating at the Australian Small Business Champion Awards recently. It was wonderful to be a finalist in the ‘Recruitment Services’ category – we didn’t win, but look out 2020!

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Prescript Quality Standards

What does PQS stand for?

Prescript Quality Standards. This is our internal checklist to make sure that every doctor we place in a new position has met a consistent level of checks.

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Why do we have PQS?

It is because all hospitals and clinics have their own different, yet overlapping credentialing that we thought it essential that we could rely on our own foundation of standards.

Managing all of this and ensuring Prescript doctors start on time takes a lot of organisation. We are incredibly fortunate that the highest standards with credentialing are in-bedded in our everyday activities, led by Stef McLaughlin (Prescript’s Credentialing, Quality and Giving Manager).

Staying Connected As a Team

Every day the team at Prescript is focused on what we do best - helping regional areas find doctors, filling rosters and providing peace of mind. We all care about the work that we do and the impact is has on the regional doctor shortage. These regions are also our communities - Our HQ might be in Sydney, but we are spread far and wide along the coast from the border of NSW/QLD down to Bega Valley in the south, and along to Melbourne.

To stay connected as a team, we get together three times a year to celebrate and acknowledge hard work. We also reflect on how we can provide a better level of service to the doctors, hospitals and practices we partner with.


We recently had a fantastic planning day in Sydney. It was great to be able to catch up and discuss achievements from the previous quarter while setting goals and targets for the new one.

Thank you for reading the Prescript Newsletter.

Whether you've been part of the Prescript story for a little or a lot of the way, we are grateful for the opportunity to work with you and look forward to updating you as Prescript grows & expands.

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Prescript are medical recruitment specialists.

At Prescript we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.

Every day we’re focused on two clear outcomes - Helping hospitals find doctors that create departments and clinics that run better, have more capacity and less stress. And placing Doctors in jobs that leave them feeling highly valued, rewarded and, most importantly, enjoying what they do.

We believe that when we get these two crucial things right, it has a huge impact on the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across Australia.

There are three ways to contact us:

  1. Call 1300 755 498

  2. Email

  3. Click 'Connect with Prescript' to ask a question online (with option to upload your CV)

We’d love to hear from you!

Team Prescript 2 LI Friendly.png
We’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage, leaving doctors loving what they do and regional communities feeling like they have the best doctors in town.

Prescript I Our Giving Goal Update I July 2019

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Prescript’s BIG giving goal for 2019 is to provide 10,000 days of Medical Care to children living in Indian slums.

In this giving update, we wanted to let you know about our progress towards the giving goal PLUS shine a spotlight on one of the amazing charities that provide the medical care.

Giving Update


Did you know that your choice to work with Prescript has meant that 2,274 days of medical care has already been provided? Thank you!

How is this achieved? Each of Prescript’s day-to-day business activities is linked to our giving goal (such as confirming a locum assignment, referring another doctor to us or even completing a reference for a colleague).

We still have 7,500 days left to hit out goal, but with your help we will get there!

Spotlight On Helping Hand In Service

In the slums, such as Geeta Nagar, malaria and rabies are rife. Geeta Nagar, a sprawling hub, is situated in the heart of south Mumbai and has a population of over 40,000 slum dwellers. The provision of medical services helps to reduce the mortality rate and allow children to thrive under extreme conditions.

One of the organisations providing the medical checks for the children of the Geeta Nagar Slums is the Helping Hands in Service Trust.


How Can You Help?

You can contribute towards our BIG goal (10,000 days) by connecting with Prescript today. Simply hit the button below, it’s as easy as that!

About Stef McLaughlin

Stef is Prescript Recruitment's Credentialing, Quality & Giving Manager, working with regional hospitals and practices across Australia to ensure that doctors start on time. Stef is responsible for Prescript’s quality management processes and our giving relationship with the Buy1Give1 programme.

There are three ways to connect with Stef:

  1. Call Stef on 0416 544 577

  2. Email

  3. Click ‘Connect with Prescript’ below

Your ongoing commitment and support is truly appreciated, and I look forward to giving you our next update!
— Stef McLaughlin - Prescript's Giving Manager
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Meet the Prescript Recruitment Team

We work with doctors for locum, ongoing and fixed-term positions across regional Australia. Connect with Prescript here ⬇️  


James Hill, Nicola Speer, Rebecca Doyle, Marcia Beere and Nadine Onto. Dedicated recruitment partners focused on helping doctors throughout the recruitment process.


Grace Clueit. Rapid promotion of locum, ongoing and fixed-term vacancies - helping doctors discover jobs with ease.


Stef McLaughlin and Lee Kabigting. Adhere to the highest JAS-ANZ-accredited standards of quality and credentialingManagement of paperwork and travel logistics so that doctors start on time.


Hugo Scales. Prescript's Finance & Payments Manager ensures doctors get paid promptly and smoothly.

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Prescript are medical recruitment specialists.

At Prescript we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.

Every day we’re focused on two clear outcomes - Helping hospitals find doctors that create departments and clinics that run better, have more capacity and less stress. And placing Doctors in jobs that leave them feeling highly valued, rewarded and, most importantly, enjoying what they do.

We believe that when we get these two crucial things right, it has a huge impact on the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across Australia.

There are three ways to contact us:

  1. Call 1300 755 498

  2. Email

  3. Click ‘Connect with Prescript’ below

We’d love to hear from you!

Team Prescript 2 LI Friendly.png
We’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage, leaving doctors loving what they do and regional communities feeling like they have the best doctors in town.

Meet Nadine (Martin) Onto - Prescript’s Senior Recruitment Partner for Psychiatry and O&G

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Hello – I’m Nadine - Senior Recruitment Partner for Psychiatry and O&G at Prescript Recruitment.

I focus on connecting O&G and Psychiatry doctors with locum, permanent and fixed-term opportunities. I thought I’d introduce myself and share with you a bit about my experience, medical recruitment career so far and why I love working within this industry.

I have been working in medical recruitment since 2012 and have been able to establish long term and successful partnerships with both clients and candidates during this time. I love being able to make a difference.

What path did you take to get to Senior Recruitment Partner?

I have always been very active and drawn to sport & health which lead me to study Sport Science and Management at university in South Africa. When I moved to Australia in 2012, I wanted to remain closely connected to health & wellbeing, and medical recruitment was a niche that resonated with me.

My recruitment career has predominantly been focused on helping doctors in the general practice setting. I have now transitioned to psychiatry and look forward to assisting Psychiatrists to find locum, permanent and fixed-term positions within Australia and New Zealand.

Quality over quantity is definitely something I focus on. As a company, we won’t just partner with ‘anyone’, and we take our time to provide a bespoke, personalised service.

What are you doing differently for doctors?

I enjoy the holistic approach of helping doctors find not just the right career move but the right fit for them and their family.

I’m passionate about helping doctors find a job that suits their needs and my genuine interest in doctors & communities means I am able to place the right people in the right location.

My focus on quality service, and making sure everything I do is to the highest standard, is what makes me stand out.

What do you enjoy most about working in medical recruitment?

I really enjoy creating meaningful, long-standing relationships with both candidates and clients. I think it’s so valuable getting to know doctors, hospitals and practices, understanding their needs and tailoring my approach to suit these requirements.

Did you know…?

I was born in Johannesburg but spent my childhood in a number of African countries. I’ve been living in Sydney since 2012 and moved to Melbourne earlier this year with my husband and French bulldog Lola. I’ve been lucky enough to travel extensively and experiencing different cities and cultures is very important to me.
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What do you see as big issues within medical recruitment right now?

The biggest issue that Prescript is helping to solve is the doctor shortage in regional areas. It’s a consistent problem across the whole of Australia and it is why we exist as an agency.

I’m excited to work at Prescript to help make a big difference within those smaller communities across the country.

We hope you enjoyed reading about Nadine. If you’d like to connect with Nadine to discuss Psychiatry and O&G opportunities, just contact her using any of the three options below.                            

About Nadine (Martin) Onto

Nadine (Martin) Onto is Prescript’s Senior Recruitment Partner with a focus on Psychiatry and O&G locum and permanent positions across Australia and New Zealand.

There are three ways to contact Nadine:

  1. Call Nadine on 0451 828 615

  2. Email

  3. Click 'Candidate Contact' to ask a question online (with the option to upload your CV

My genuine interest in doctors and communities means I place the right people in the right location. I’ve been working within the Medical Recruitment industry since 2012 and have established long term and successful partnerships with clients and candidates. I’m excited to join the Prescript team so I can continue to make a difference.

Meet the Prescript Recruitment Team

We work with doctors for locum, ongoing and fixed-term positions across regional Australia. Connect with Prescript here ⬇️  


James Hill, Nicola Speer, Rebecca Doyle, Marcia Beere and Nadine Onto. Dedicated recruitment partners focused on helping doctors throughout the recruitment process.


Grace Clueit. Rapid promotion of locum, ongoing and fixed-term vacancies - helping doctors discover jobs with ease.


Stef McLaughlin and Lee Kabigting. Adhere to the highest JAS-ANZ-accredited standards of quality and credentialingManagement of paperwork and travel logistics so that doctors start on time.


Hugo Scales. Prescript's Finance & Payments Manager ensures doctors get paid promptly and smoothly.

Rec Team LI Friendly.png

Prescript are medical recruitment specialists.

At Prescript we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.

Every day we’re focused on two clear outcomes - Helping hospitals find doctors that create departments and clinics that run better, have more capacity and less stress. And placing Doctors in jobs that leave them feeling highly valued, rewarded and, most importantly, enjoying what they do.

We believe that when we get these two crucial things right, it has a huge impact on the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across Australia.

There are three ways to contact us:

  1. Call 1300 755 498

  2. Email

  3. Click 'Connect with Prescript' to ask a question online (with option to upload your CV)

We’d love to hear from you!

Team Prescript 2 LI Friendly.png
We’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage, leaving doctors loving what they do and regional communities feeling like they have the best doctors in town

Prescript's Six Favourite Things For Your Next Locum

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Receive A Surprise Book Each Month


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The Secret to Attracting the Best Doctors

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Hello, I’m Grace Clueit – Marketing Partner at Prescript Recruitment. At Prescript, we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.

I look after vacancies, marketing and communications and focus on bringing our locum and permanent positions to life. This helps regional communities attract the best applicants and helps doctors find jobs with ease.

One part of my role is managing the marketing for our Prescript Premium Recruitment Solutions. These are blended retained/contingent projects. We carefully choose which positions we work on. Our recruitment projects are normally for a 3-month period, and we are committed to filling each vacancy.

I love creating marketing campaigns to showcase our clients’ vacancies in a visually appealing and clear manner, tailored to suit their specific recruitment challenges.

I thought I’d share with you two previous examples of the creative work we have produced within these campaigns.

These two examples show how different each campaign can be, while still maintaining Prescript’s personality. We know how important it is to help the hospitals and practices we work with promote themselves to a large audience of doctors. 


Example One | Teleradiology

I loved being part of this Teleradiology campaign. Being able to work as a FRANZCR Radiologist from anywhere in the world, for only 26-weeks of the year, is a fantastic opportunity. It’s a very exciting position, and this is reflected in every part of the campaign. From the imagery to the music, each element is full of life and ultimately leaves you wanting to know more!

Teleradiology has allowed me to see some fantastic places. London has been my base for work, and from there I have hopped on a plane to hike through the Alps, tour wineries in Italy and explore Paris.
— Quote from a Radiologist
“Reporting from Canada is unbelievable. I’m based in Vancouver and explore during my time off. Hiking through the mountains, camping, kayaking, snowboarding in Whistler, there’s so much natural beauty to see”

Example Two |Permanent Radiologist Position

The idea behind this campaign was to show you really can have it all – a harmonious balance between your work and life, your dream role within a great organisation, excellent perks and benefits, all from the unbelievable Fraser Coast. The warm tones and relaxed music complement one another perfectly and give off a tranquil, ‘holiday like’ feel.

This job isn’t your average role.
It’s stacked with amazing perks and benefits; career acceleration, financial gain, and a harmonious balance between your work and life.

There are three ways to start the conversation about your vacancy and Prescript’s Premium Recruitment Solution (Blended retained/contingent). :

  1. Prescript can call you. Please allow 15-30 minutes for this. Click here to book a time.

  2. Email us via and one or our recruitment partners will call you.

  3. Click 'Partner with Prescript' and fill in your contact details.

We are committed to filling each vacancy. We know it has a huge impact on your organisation, the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across regional Australia.

About Grace Clueit

Grace Clueit is Prescript's Marketing Partner and looks after Vacancies, Marketing and Communications. 

There are three ways to contact Grace:

  1. Call Grace on 1300 755 498

  2. Email

  3. Click to ‘Connect with Prescript’

I ensure that we are targeting our marketing efforts towards the correct candidates to help regional communities find doctors for their locum and ongoing positions. It’s a great industry, and it feels amazing to be a part of it.
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Meet the Prescript Recruitment Team

We work with doctors for locum, ongoing and fixed-term positions across regional Australia. Connect with Prescript here ⬇️  

Recruitment James Hill, Nicola Speer, Rebecca Doyle and Marcia Beere - Dedicated recruitment partners. Helping you throughout the entire recruitment process.

Marketing & Vacancies - Grace Clueit - Rapid promotion of locum, ongoing and fixed-term vacancies - helping doctors discover jobs with ease.

Credentialing & Logistics - Stef McLaughlin and Lee Kabigting - Adhere to the highest JAS-ANZ-accredited standards of quality and credentialingManagement of paperwork and travel logistics - making sure doctors start on time.

Finance & Payments Hugo Scales - Prescript's Finance & Payments Manager ensures doctors get paid promptly and smoothly.

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Prescript are medical recruitment specialists.

At Prescript we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.

Every day we’re focused on two clear outcomes - Helping hospitals find doctors that create departments and clinics that run better, have more capacity and less stress. And placing Doctors in jobs that leave them feeling highly valued, rewarded and, most importantly, enjoying what they do.

We believe that when we get these two crucial things right, it has a huge impact on the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across Australia.

There are three ways to contact us:

  1. Call 1300 755 498

  2. Email

  3. Click 'Connect with Prescript' to ask a question online (with option to upload your CV)

We’d love to hear from you!

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We’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage, leaving doctors loving what they do and regional communities feeling like they have the best doctors in town.

Why Prescript? We Have The Best Quality Standards

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Paperwork is an inescapable fact of life with medical recruitment. Every time Prescript helps a regional hospital, clinic, practice or department find their next locum or permanent doctor an avalanche of credentialing and checks needs to be completed.

Each client we work with has different requirements - it varies from public hospitals to private clinics; from State to State and from region to region. Take NSW Health for example - there is meant to be one set of paperwork required for all locum doctors, yet each district health area varies slightly (or widely!) from each other in what they request.

Managing all of this and ensuring Prescript doctors start on time takes a lot of organisation. We are incredibly fortunate that the highest standards with credentialing are in-bedded in our everyday activities, led by Stef McLaughlin (Prescript’s Credentialing, Quality and Giving Manager).

“Paperwork, credentialing and travel logistics can sometimes be such a headache! My role is to ease the pain and guide all our doctors through the process. Hopefully the hospitals, clinics and doctors I work with feel they are well supported by me and the Prescript team.”

Stef has designed our internal processes and procedures to meet the different needs of each of our clients and also to be compliant with our external JAS-ANZ-accredited auditors, Certex. Prescript is certified by Certex regularly to ensure we reach the specific standards for NSW Health.


Underpinning everything are the Prescript Quality Standards (PQS). This is our internal checklist to make sure that every doctor we place in a new position has met a consistent level of checks. Why do we have PQS? It is precisely because all our clients have their own different, yet overlapping credentialing that we thought it essential that we could rely on our own foundation of standards.

A lot of PQS goes on behind the scenes, but we want the doctors that choose to work with Prescript and our clients to have peace of mind that we take quality and standards seriously.


What are Prescript Quality Standards (PQS)?

All Prescript doctors will have been through our PQS checklist before starting in a locum or permanent position:

✔️ PQS Prescript Interview Report - with one of our medical recruitment partners

✔️ PQS Registered with Prescript as a candidate

✔️ PQS Answered disclosure questions

✔️ PQS Medical Board Registration checked

✔️ PQS Shared a copy of driving licence and passport

✔️ PQS Provided proof of qualifications - Primary Degree and Fellowship

✔️ PQS CV updated for recent work history

✔️ PQS Right to work checked (citizenship and visas)

✔️ PQS Google keyword search

✔️ PQS Three reference reports (two as a minimum)


And There’s More.

➕ In addition to external audits, we have a cycle of internal audits for PQS.

➕ The credentialing, management and recruitment teams review internal processes on a tri-annual basis.

➕ We are a Corporate member of the Recruitment and Consulting Services Association (RCSA) that complies with the RCSA Code for Professional Conduct, which means we will provide a legally compliant, ethical and professional service.

➕ Prescript are members of the Association of Medical Recruiters of Australia and New Zealand (AMRANZ).

Prescript are medical recruitment specialists.

At Prescript we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.

Every day we’re focused on two clear outcomes - Helping hospitals find doctors that create departments and clinics that run better, have more capacity and less stress. And placing Doctors in jobs that leave them feeling highly valued, rewarded and, most importantly, enjoying what they do.

We believe that when we get these two crucial things right, it has a huge impact on the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across Australia.

There are three ways to contact us:

  1. Call 1300 755 498

  2. Email

  3. Click 'Connect with Prescript' to ask a question online (with option to upload your CV)

We’d love to hear from you!

We’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage, leaving doctors loving what they do and regional communities feeling like they have the best doctors in town.