What's The Latest News? I Clean Water & Repairing Wells I Giving Update — Prescript Recruitment

What's The Latest Giving Update? Clean Water & Repairing Wells

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There is a lot of desperate and troubling news coming from the Tigray region due to the fighting that began in November 2020. Prescript chose this region in 2019 as the focus of our ‘one million days of clean water’ goal before the internal war got underway. The region was already, before the conflict, in need of lots of support.

Our giving goal was to help with new hand-dug wells, giving communities access to clean water and the tools/expertise to manage the equipment for the future. This clean water meant that villagers didn’t have to walk long distances to collect from open, polluted sources. In turn, less disease and less time wasted carrying plastic buckets meant healthier families, less avoidable illnesses, and more time for education.

Since the start of the conflict, the region needs our support more than ever.

➞ 400,000 people are suffering famine-like conditions as a result of fighting in Tigray

➞ Thousands are believed to have died

➞ 100,000 malnourished children and 27,000 malnourished pregnant women and new mothers

➞ Ethiopian government’s blockade of the region has prevented 90% of critical assistance from reaching the people who need it

➞ An estimated 1.8 million people are dislocated, refugees, or asylum seekers

A boy stands on a hill facing Mai Aini Eritrean Refugee camp near Mai Tsberi town in Tigray Region, Ethiopia, June 27, 2021. /Reuters

A boy stands on a hill facing Mai Aini Eritrean Refugee camp near Mai Tsberi town in Tigray Region, Ethiopia, June 27, 2021. /Reuters

What’s happening now with our giving goal? We are determined to hit our one million days of clean water as quickly as possible and keep going. This contribution is to repair damaged wells or build new ones.

The conflict in Tigray has inspired us to make our giving goal an urgent priority. We embed our giving in our everyday business activities - we’re a medical recruitment company for doctors, so we give water every time we help a doctor with their career in Australia. All of this is led by Stef McLaughlin, our dedicated Giving Manager. Stef makes sure the whole Prescript team, our doctors and our health service clients know the difference they are making just by using Prescript’s recruitment services.

What’s next? We’ll keep you updated on Tigray news and any information we receive about wells, their repairs and clean water.

Thank you for being part of the Prescript community and helping us reach our one million days goal.

Did you know?

🥇 We are DELIGHTED to share that Prescript Recruitment were joint winners of B1G1's "Impact Page Of The Year" award!

About James Hill

James Hill is a medical recruitment specialist. He is passionate about helping regional hospitals and practices across Australia find doctors for their permanent and locum positions.

As the founder of Prescript Recruitment, he has the practical experience of delivering an exceptional recruitment service for doctors with the result that communities everywhere have the healthcare they deserve.

James’ fourteen years of working with regional healthcare providers has given him a first-hand insight into the issues they face to attract doctors. His successful track record of filling locum and permanent positions in every State and Territory means he knows what strategies work and what don’t.

James is also a writer of blogs for LinkedIn and the Prescript Recruitment website where he draws on his experience to share his opinions on current staffing issues.

There are three ways to contact James:

  1. Call James on 0410 792 310

  2. Email james@prescript.com.au 

  3. Click 'Connect with Prescript’

B1G1 is something we are extremely proud of as a team. Linking the work our doctors do with alleviating poverty in Ethiopia.

Prescript are medical recruitment specialists.

At Prescript we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.

Every day we’re focused on two clear outcomes - Helping hospitals find doctors that create departments and clinics that run better, have more capacity and less stress. And placing Doctors in jobs that leave them feeling highly valued, rewarded and, most importantly, enjoying what they do.

We believe that when we get these two crucial things right, it has a huge impact on the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across Australia.

There are three ways to contact us:

  1. Call 1300 755 498

  2. Email contact@prescript.com.au

  3. Click 'Connect with Prescript'


We’d love to hear from you!

We’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage, leaving doctors loving what they do and regional communities feeling like they have the best doctors in town.