I’m Stef McLaughlin, Giving Manager at Prescript Recruitment.
As a Business For Good, Prescript Recruitment embeds giving in our everyday activities, each time we place a doctor in regional Australia we also contribute to medical support to communities in Western Kenya.
Prescript believes that regional Australian hospitals and practices should be fully staffed with doctors, but we also think that communities everywhere should have the healthcare they deserve.
We’ve linked the work we do here in Australia as medical recruitment specialists with giving to the village of Odede in Western Kenya.
Now for the very exciting news!
“Our BIG goal was to provide a doctor’s salary for an entire year at the Odede Community Health Centre.”
And we have done it! We have provided a doctor for over ONE YEAR which will mean families in need have access to medical support.
I’m also excited to share some of the other fantastic impacts we have had over last 12 months (none of this could have been done without all the incredible doctors, hospitals and practices we work with throughout Australia - thank you so much!).
Provided over six months of nourishing meals to HIV-affected children
Contributed five months of hospital maintenance at the health centre
Given one month of life-saving clean water for patients
A doctor’s salary for an entire year at the Odede Health Centre
Odede Community Health Centre
More about Odede
Situated on the banks of Lake Victoria, the tiny village of Odede is located in the Rarieda district of Nyanza Province. Much of the local population are rural, subsistence farmers living in extreme poverty.
The district is home to some of the highest HIV/AIDS rates in the country, with an estimated one in four people living with HIV (four times the national rate). Maternal and infant mortality rates are also unacceptably high; an estimated 55 out of every 1000 babies die before their first birthday each year (WHO 2010). Many of these children are dying from malaria and other preventable illnesses like diarrhoea.
In Odede, people have very little access to basic health services, where the nearest facility is 30km away, and most people cannot afford the cost to travel there.
The Odede Health Centre is a community-driven initiative that brings crucial healthcare services to thousands of people living in extreme poverty every year in western Kenya. It provides maternal and infant health care, HIV testing and support, and many other services. Hundreds of women give birth safely at the Health Centre each year, and community outreach programs provide education and basic medical services for schools and villages around Odede.
Being a Business for Good
All this has been made possible by our membership of the global business giving initiative Buy1Give1 (B1G1). It means your choice to work with Prescript ensures something great happens in the world and saves lives as well.
B1G1 is a social enterprise and non-profit organization with a mission to create a world full of giving. Unlike conventional giving models, B1G1 helps small and medium-sized businesses achieve more social impact by embedding giving activities into everyday business operations and creating unique giving stories. Every business transaction (and as a result, the business’ day-to-day activity) can impact lives.
What’s Next?
We are looking ahead to the future and planning some life-changing global goals for 2019. I can’t wait to share the next journey with you! Together we really can make a huge impact.
More About Stef McLaughlin
Stef is Prescript’s Credentialing, Quality and Giving Manager. Stef adheres to the highest JAS-ANZ-accredited standards of quality and credentialing. She manages paperwork and travel logistics - and makes sure doctors start on time across regional Australia.
stef@prescript.com.au // 0416 544 577
“Prescript are medical recruitment specialists.”
At Prescript we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.
Every day we’re focused on two clear outcomes - Helping hospitals find doctors that create departments and clinics that run better, have more capacity and less stress. And placing Doctors in jobs that leave them feeling highly valued, rewarded and, most importantly, enjoying what they do.
We believe that when we get these two crucial things right, it has a huge impact on the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across Australia.
There are three ways to contact us:
Call 1300 755 498
Email contact@prescript.com.au
Click 'Connect with Prescript' to ask a question online (with option to upload your CV)
We’d love to hear from you!
“We’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage, leaving doctors loving what they do and regional communities feeling like they have the best doctors in town.”