Being a 'Business for Good' — Prescript Recruitment

Being a 'Business for Good'

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B1G1 & My Role

Everyone is motivated by something, whether that be financial gain, achievement or power, for me it is more of a social factor. I have a genuine passion for positively contributing to the lives of others.

One of my key roles at Prescript, which I don’t talk about enough, is my responsibility to our Buy1Give1 partnership. At Prescript, our focus is to ensure that rural and regional communities have access to the healthcare that they deserve. This motivates me on a day to day basis, and through our involvement with B1G1, we do this on a global level too.

Every month I collect our data and analyse our business activities. I then update the Prescript team and let everyone know how their work has directly affected a rural community further afield – the Odede community in western Kenya.

Each time someone does business with us, something great happens in the world. We actively contribute to many life-changing impacts, but for today I wanted to talk about our main goal.

For every locum or permanent position that a doctor accepts through Prescript, we pay towards a doctor’s salary so they can continue to provide crucial healthcare to families living in extreme poverty in Odede.

Our big goal is to pay for a doctor’s salary for an entire year! So far, we have provided over four months, or 128 days to be precise.

The Odede Community Health Centre is located in a rural community where most people live on less than $1 a day. Doctors provide life-saving medical care every day for children and families in Odede.

To see more about how this all works, watch the video below to learn about the recent B1G1 study tour to Kenya. The video provides an insight into the incredible impacts which are being made every single day and at around the 3 minutes mark, there is a clip of the community we are helping; Odede.

Overall, B1G1 is something I am extremely proud of. I am proud of what we have achieved and genuinely love that our work directly impacts lives, not just here within my home, Australia, but also overseas. 

There are two ways to become a part of the B1G1 giving community. The first option is to work with Prescript through one of our many day-to-day business activities (such as confirming a locum assignment, referring another doctor to us or even completing a reference for a colleague). Or, you can visit the B1G1 website by clicking here and make a direct contribution.

To find out more, contact me via email or call 0416 544 577.

About Stef McLaughlin

Stef is Prescript Recruitment's Credentialing Manager, working with regional hospitals and practices across Australia to ensure that doctors start on time. Stef is responsible for Prescript’s quality management processes and our giving relationship with the Buy1Give1 programme.

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