Inside Story: A 5-Star Locum Doctor Journey — Prescript Recruitment

Inside Story: A 5-Star Locum Doctor Journey

Like much of the world, Australia is experiencing major challenges regarding its healthcare workforce. The numbers are clear: Australia's doctor shortage is growing and will only worsen unless solutions are found. These shortages will be particularly acute in regional and rural areas, putting increased pressure on health services to attract doctors. 

Locum doctors can be critical in providing short-term support. However, with so many health services competing for the attention of doctors, more and more hospitals are turning to outside experts to help them manage their recruitment.

Companies like Prescript are critical in ensuring that regional and rural areas can find the doctors they need. 

Doctors receiving a professional service that is molded to them is vital for their careers, and ultimately results in happy health services, fulfilled doctors, and communities having the healthcare they need. Everything Prescript does is with this in mind.

Dr. Freda O'Neill’s Locum Journey

Dr. Freda O’Neill, a GP Emergency VMO, had experienced locum work previously and decided she needed a more tailored experience that suited her skillset and lifestyle. 

Dr. O'Neill connected with Prescript Recruitment to find the opportunities that she was looking for. According to Dr. O'Neill, "From my first point of contact with Prescript, I realised this is a recruitment agency with a difference: they provide a personalised service, with everything tailored to my specific requirements/desires."

Personalised Locums for Doctors

Mel Houston, Prescript's Senior Recruitment Partner, worked closely with Freda to identify locums that met her needs. The recruitment team at Prescript has years of experience finding doctors' amazing positions.

Mel Houston said, "Freda was looking for interesting locations, supportive environments, no nights and on-call, and a good work-life balance for shifts. Freda wanted to enjoy and explore the places she's working in."

Freda loved the service Mel had provided. When speaking about her experience, Dr. O'Neill reflected, "My agent Melissa Houston is incredible. She seems to have the inside line on all the hospitals! Excellent communication skills; nothing is too much trouble. I thrive on the flexibility and improved work-life balance that locuming permits. I have seen parts of Australia that I would never have had the opportunity to visit otherwise. Locuming allows me to experience vastly varying work environments, which can be extremely challenging. Still, I have always been game for a challenge and am becoming increasingly adept at adapting to new workplaces & protocols."

From Start to Finish

Our credentialing and logistics team ensured that we completed Dr. O'Neill's paperwork before she started her locum. This advanced preparation limited the administrative burden on her and ensured she had everything she needed to get started. 

Dr. O'Neill found the process smooth and efficient: "Prescript has a great working relationship with the administration staff at the various hospitals, which makes my life significantly easier. Almost all the paperwork is done by Prescript, which takes the stress away from the doctor – usually, this creates a massively time-consuming headache for doctors when locuming. Having worked with multiple other agencies over the past few years, I am acutely aware of Prescript's exceptional service."

Happier Doctors means A Better Experience

In the end, Dr. O'Neill was thrilled with her experience, noting that Prescript gave her a chance to locum at unique and interesting locations that provided her with the flexibility and the chance to experience the locum life she always wanted. 

"Most recently, I have spent six weeks working in Broome in WA. This has been quite testing from a clinical point of view, but I have gained multiple additional skills and increased confidence. On top of this, I have made several new friends and have plenty of time off to check out the Kimberley Region and its impressive scenery. Quite the contrast from my hometown of Dublin in Ireland! I thoroughly enjoyed the last seven months and cannot imagine returning to work permanently at a GP clinic! I look forward to continuing to work with Prescript and many new exciting experiences!"

Mel Houston found that Dr. O'Neill's experience benefited the doctor and the health services she served. "Prescript is delighted to work exclusively with Freda for her locum opportunities. She is always a pleasure to work with and has had many successful locum experiences in Grafton, Maclean, Port Macquarie & Kempsey, and Broome. The health services she has locumed for absolutely love her and immensely appreciate her fantastic work for their communities. We look forward to partnering with Freda for many more locum positions in the future!" 

The Prescript Difference

We take quality and standards seriously. As medical recruitment specialists for regional Australian hospitals and practices, we fully understand our doctors' challenges. That's why we go above and beyond to ensure the comfort and happiness of our doctors and their families.

With years of experience, deep relationships within Australia's medical community, and scores of happy doctors across the continent, Prescript is ready to help you find your ideal locum positions. If you are looking for the best medical recruitment in regional and rural areas, contact Prescript today, and learn more about how we can help your career. 


Prescript are medical recruitment specialists.

At Prescript we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.

Every day we’re focused on two clear outcomes - Helping hospitals find doctors that create departments and clinics that run better, have more capacity and less stress. And placing Doctors in jobs that leave them feeling highly valued, rewarded and, most importantly, enjoying what they do.

We believe that when we get these two crucial things right, it has a huge impact on the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across Australia.

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  1. Call 1300 755 498

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We’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage, leaving doctors loving what they do and regional communities feeling like they have the best doctors in town.