We Hit Our Goal! Celebrating 1 Million Days of Clean Water for Families in Ethiopia — Prescript Recruitment

We Hit Our Goal! Celebrating 1 Million Days of Clean Water for Families in Ethiopia

I am absolutely thrilled to share that we have reached our giving goal of providing 1 million days of clean water access to communities in Ethiopia!

This is a truly momentous achievement that will have a life-changing impact on countless individuals and families in need. Through a pandemic, civil unrest and many challenges in the region, the team on the ground were courageous and continued with the work of restoring wells and providing access to safe water where possible.

It fills me with immense pride to know that we have reached this goal through Prescript's day-to-day business activities. It is with thanks to our doctors and the health services that we work with that we have achieved this incredible milestone.

Waves of positive impact

Our journey towards this goal started in 2020 after a ‘giving planning session’ with the Prescript team. We put our heads together and collaborated to find a new project that meant something to us all and that was going to make a BIG impact. We chose this particular goal because having access to clean water is a basic right. Access to safe drinking water makes a huge difference to the health and lives of so many people. We wanted to make a big impact here in Australia as well as overseas.

Since then, we have been contributing a portion of our revenue towards the Clean Water for Life project. We are so excited to have achieved this milestone and to have made a positive impact on the lives of families in Ethiopia.

Providing clean water access is one of the most essential and basic human needs, and we are humbled to have been able to contribute towards this cause.

Our partnership with B1G1, a global giving initiative, has made this incredible milestone possible. We are proud to contribute to B1G1's Clean Water for Life project, which aims to provide sustainable access to clean water for families in Ethiopia, one of the most water-stressed countries in the world.

The projects we supported funded the construction of hand-dug wells in the Ethiopian province of Tigray, where access to clean water is a critical issue. The provision of clean and hygienic water has had a significant impact on the lives of families in the region.

How did we do it?

Because of you! It is through the incredible work of our Prescript doctors and healthcare organisations that we have reached this milestone. Prescript links our day-to-day business activities to our giving goal.

When did we donate water?

When a hospital or practice confirmed a doctor in a locum or permanent position in regional Australia ➞ Prescript donated 💧

When a doctor referred another doctor to us ➞ Prescript donated 💧

When a doctor registered as a new candidate with Prescript ➞ Prescript donated 💧

When a doctor completed a reference for another doctor ➞ Prescript donated 💧

When a hospital or practice agreed to work with Prescript on a long-term vacancy ➞ Prescript donated 💧

All the 💧💧 adds up. Thank you and a BIG ⭐️ to everyone who has enabled us to keep giving.

A word from B1G1’s Chairman - Paul Dunn

Click below to watch a video from Paul Dunn, the Chairman of B1G1 and his thoughts on Prescript’s giving goal!

Thanks to the support of our doctors and health services, we are incredibly proud and grateful to have reached our giving goal. We have provided one million days of access to clean water for families living in poverty in rural Ethiopia, reducing the time women spend collecting polluted water, improving children's health outcomes, and enabling girls to receive an education.

We believe that by embedding giving in what we do, we can create a habit of doing good and make a meaningful impact on the world.

As we celebrate this milestone, we remain committed to creating a positive impact through our everyday business activities. Together, we can continue to make a difference and create a better world for all.

I am grateful to be a part of a company that values philanthropy and social responsibility. We are honoured to have been able to make a difference and celebrate this remarkable milestone together. Thank you.

Stef Ormesher | Operations, Leadership & Giving Manager at Prescript

Prescript are medical recruitment specialists.

At Prescript we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.

Every day we’re focused on two clear outcomes - Helping hospitals find doctors that create departments and clinics that run better, have more capacity and less stress. And placing Doctors in jobs that leave them feeling highly valued, rewarded and, most importantly, enjoying what they do.

We believe that when we get these two crucial things right, it has a huge impact on the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across Australia.

There are three ways to contact us:

  1. Call 1300 755 498

  2. Email contact@prescript.com.au

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We’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage, leaving doctors loving what they do and regional communities feeling like they have the best doctors in town.