Our Giving Update | July 2018 — Prescript Recruitment

Our Giving Update | July 2018


Thank you for making a difference

Everyone who has worked with Prescript this year has positively impacted lives in Australia, but what you may not know is that something great has also been happening overseas too. As of today, we have provided 244 days of a doctor’s salary for a community living in extreme poverty in Western Kenya. But, how?

Here at Prescript Recruitment, we embed giving in what we do to create a habit of giving.

We believe that regional Australian hospitals and practices should be fully staffed with doctors so that communities everywhere have the healthcare they deserve. Everything we do is with that in mind. This motivates me daily, and through our involvement with B1G1, we do this on a global level too.


Each month I collect our data and analyse our business activities. I then update the Prescript team and let everyone know how their work has directly affected a rural community further afield – the Odede community in Western Kenya.

For every locum or permanent position that a doctor accepts through Prescript, we pay towards a doctor’s salary so they can continue to provide crucial healthcare to families living in extreme poverty in Odede.

Another remarkable thing is that we make some further impacts too, this is all as a result of our day-to-day business activities – with you! Once you register with Prescript, or each time you complete a professional reference for a colleague or refer another doctor to us, something great happens in the world.

I am incredibly proud to share that through all your hard work so far, we have created the following impacts:

  • Given 104 nourishing meals to HIV-affected children in Kenya
  • Provided 98 days of hospital maintenance for better healthcare
  • Given 20 days of access to life-saving clean water for hospital patients
  • Given 244 days of a doctor's salary so they can provide medical support to families in need
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Our BIG goal is to provide a doctor’s salary for an entire year. As of today, we have provided 244 days! That’s over 8 months of a doctor’s salary paid for. And for that, I say, ‘thank you’.

Your ongoing commitment and support is truly appreciated, and I look forward to giving you our next update!

To be a part of this ongoing commitment, contact Prescript to see how you can contribute through one of our many day-to-day business activities.

About Stef McLaughlin

Stef is Prescript Recruitment's Credentialing Manager, working with regional hospitals and practices across Australia to ensure that doctors start on time.

Stef is responsible for Prescript’s quality management processes and our giving relationship with the Buy1Give1 programme.

stef@prescript.com.au // 0416 544 577

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About Prescript Recruitment

For more information, a great place to start is www.prescript.com.au

You'll find information about our locum and permanent recruitment services for doctors, hospitals and practices.  You'll also find links to our blogs, location reports and other resources.

1300 755 498 // contact@prescript.com.au