Prescript’s Giving Goals & How Did It All Begin? I Blog — Prescript Recruitment

Prescript’s Giving Goals & How Did It All Begin?

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Here at Prescript Recruitment, we embed giving in what we do to create a habit of doing good.

For 2020 and beyond, our giving goal is to provide 1 million days of access to clean water to families living in poverty in the Tigray region, a rural and remote part of Ethiopia.

It is with thanks to our doctors, hospitals and practices that we work with who make this all possible.

Back To The Beginning…

How did this all begin?

◾️ After our founder - James Hill - visited rural health communities in the Northern Territory, he was astonished to learn of the chronic doctor shortages and lack of adequate health care. He felt both inspired and compelled to address and act on this widespread, serious healthcare issue among Australian communities.

◾️ This led to the creation of Prescript Recruitment. Prescript are medical recruitment specialists, and we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.

◾️ Prescript wanted to make a difference further afield too. Each time we help a doctor with the next step in their career, we also contribute towards improving health outcomes for people living in poverty overseas.

◾️ One successful campaign we are exceptionally proud of was to provide a doctor’s salary in rural-Kenya. We are delighted to share that we contributed a doctor’s salary for an entire year!

◾️ This aligns perfectly with our reason for existing as a company, and we feel honoured and grateful for the opportunity to be a business for good and making a global impact.

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Hand-Dug Wells - Tigray

◾️ The projects we are supporting fund the construction of hand-dug wells in the Ethiopian province of Tigray.

◾️ The program of construction for 2020 is well underway, and the plan is to provide permanent water supplies to 40 villages in Tigray, almost 7000 people.

◾️ These areas have been historically seriously affected during drought periods.

◾️ In the great Ethiopian crisis of 1984-85, many of these villages were deserted as populations moved to displaced camps seeking a means to stay alive.

◾️ Current community and regional government practices in soil and water conservation and environmental restoration have produced an amazing greening of the countryside.

◾️ Our support for clean and reliable domestic water supply is a key piece of the survival jigsaw being pieced together.

◾️ The hydro-geology of this remote region makes for some uncertainty in the siting of wells. Therefore, ongoing collaboration and discussions with international experts who know the region well play an important role.

Our Giving Goal

We link our day to day business activities to our giving goal of providing one million days of water for families.

For example, when the following things happen at Prescript, we give access to life-saving clean water:

✔️ When a hospital or practice confirms a doctor in a locum or permanent position in regional Australia

✔️ When a doctor refers another doctor to us

✔️ When a doctor registers as a new candidate with Prescript

✔️ When a doctor completes a reference for another doctor

✔️ When a hospital or practice agrees to work with Prescript on a long-term vacancy

Giving Goal Tracker


About Stef McLaughlin

Stef is Prescript’s Credentialing, Quality & Giving Manager, working with regional hospitals and practices across Australia to ensure that doctors start on time. Stef is responsible for Prescript’s quality management processes and our giving relationship with the Buy1Give1 programme.

There are three ways to contact Stef:

  1. Call Stef on 0416 544 577

  2. Email

  3. Click 'Connect with Prescript'

B1G1 is something I am extremely proud of. I am proud of what we have achieved and genuinely love that our work directly impacts lives, not just here within my home, Australia, but also overseas.

Prescript are medical recruitment specialists.

At Prescript we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.

Every day we’re focused on two clear outcomes - Helping hospitals find doctors that create departments and clinics that run better, have more capacity and less stress. And placing Doctors in jobs that leave them feeling highly valued, rewarded and, most importantly, enjoying what they do.

We believe that when we get these two crucial things right, it has a huge impact on the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across Australia.

There are three ways to contact us:

  1. Call 1300 755 498

  2. Email

  3. Click 'Connect with Prescript'


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We’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage, leaving doctors loving what they do and regional communities feeling like they have the best doctors in town.