I’m Stef McLaughlin, Prescript’s Operations, Leadership & Giving Manager. I wanted to give you an overview of PQS and what it means for doctors and hospitals.
Prescript takes great pride in representing our doctors across Australia, NZ and globally. We work with a mix of hospitals, clinics and private practices.
I know that paperwork can be time-consuming and often tedious. We want working with Prescript to be straightforward for both the doctor and for the health service.
Each Australian health service is unique. That means that different checks and paperwork are required for each location/health service we work with. Often the paperwork requested overlaps – understandably, this can be a significant cause of frustration for some of our doctors!
Because of this, I introduced PQS (Prescript Quality Standards). This is a set of paperwork standards and background checks that we use as a foundation for each doctor we work with. I want everyone we work with to have peace of mind that each Prescript doctor has met a consistent level of checks.
✓ PQS Prescript Interview Report - with one of our medical recruitment partners
✓ PQS Registered with Prescript as a candidate
✓ PQS Answered disclosure questions
✓ PQS Medical Board Registration checked
✓ PQS Shared a copy of driving licence and passport
✓ PQS Provided proof of qualifications - Primary Degree and Fellowship
✓ PQS CV updated for recent work history
✓ PQS Right to work checked (citizenship and visas)
✓ PQS Google keyword search
✓ PQS Three reference reports (two as a minimum)
[These can be location specific and requested by the health service]
➝ Working with children checks
➝ Police clearance reports
➝ Immunisation/vaccination evidence
“Since implementing PQS, it has made everyone’s life easier. Our doctors can rely on PQS to help their applications stand out, as well as minimise duplication of paperwork. ”
About Stef McLaughlin
Stef is Prescript’s Operations, Leadership & Giving Manager, working with regional hospitals and practices across Australia to ensure that doctors start on time. Stef is responsible for Prescript’s PQS and our one million days of water giving goal.
There are three ways to contact Stef:
Call Stef on 0416 544 577
Email stef@prescript.com.au
Click 'Connect with Prescript'
“Paperwork, credentialing and travel logistics can sometimes be such a headache! My role is to ease the pain and guide all our doctors through the process. Hopefully the hospitals, clinics and doctors I work with feel they are well supported by me and the Prescript team.”
“Prescript are medical recruitment specialists.”
At Prescript we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.
Every day we’re focused on two clear outcomes - Helping hospitals find doctors that create departments and clinics that run better, have more capacity and less stress. And placing Doctors in jobs that leave them feeling highly valued, rewarded and, most importantly, enjoying what they do.
We believe that when we get these two crucial things right, it has a huge impact on the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across Australia.
There are three ways to contact us:
Call 1300 755 498
Email contact@prescript.com.au
Click 'Connect with Prescript'
We’d love to hear from you!
“We’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage, leaving doctors loving what they do and regional communities feeling like they have the best doctors in town.”