Are You NSW Health Paperwork Ready?

I’m Marcia Beere - Credentialing and Recruitment Partner at Prescript.

I work in the credentialing team with Stef McLaughlin and Lee Kabigting. Our job is to make sure that you are ready to start work on time in an NSW Health locum.

When you are confirmed for an NSW Health locum, the paperwork needed can seem time-consuming and repetitive, especially if you have worked in an NSW Health location before.

As dry as paperwork sounds, it is something I relish! I used to be a JMO Manager, and I am an expert in guiding new and experienced doctors through all the requirements in a fuss-free manner.

If you are thinking:

Why do I need to do more paperwork? - I did a locum in another NSW LHD recently.

I agree that a lot of the information seems to be duplicated; however, NSW local health districts function quite independently and, therefore, we need to be able to meet each of their needs. This makes theirs and your life easier. No one wants their pay held up if we aren’t ready, right?

I have listed a few top tips of things that you can prepare beforehand, plus a few ideas to prepare you for when we give you that great call of “you are off to XYZ location to cover their locum placement.”

✅Your CV

We will request a CV from you at the time you begin working with us; this is kept confidential, and will not be distributed without your agreement. This is very important to us at Prescript - we want you to know that you are in safe hands. We have a suggested format that is clear and easy for hospitals to review; we can help you with this.


It may not be necessary to gather references right away, but we will eventually need them to be able to present you for consideration for a locum placement. For NSW, we need to be able to contact three consultant colleagues who have worked with you within the past 12 months. Have a think about who you might ask?


Working in NSW requires candidates to have an NSW Working with Children Clearance. If you are interstate, it is a two-staged process. An application can be made online, and then you must present in-person to a Service NSW Centre. Hospitals will make allowances for you to attend on arrival or before your first shift to complete this process.

✅National Police Checks 

NSW will accept a National Police Check that was completed in the last three years (some health services need one every six months). We will ask you to complete an NSW Health specific Criminal Hospital Statutory Declaration, to declare that nothing has changed since your National Police Check was completed.

✅Mandatory Training

This is critical. You often hear how there was no orientation, no handover, access to certain things wasn’t available. This is the first step to help avoid those scenarios. It is all online via HETI (Health Education and Training Institute) and helps to gain insight into systems within NSW Health. You need to allow at least 2 hours to complete the training.

✅Vaccination requirements

Working in an exposure-prone setting, we want to know that you will be safe and protected. Therefore, there are specific immunisation and vaccination history/evidence that is required for each location. For example, it is important to stay up to date with your Hep B, TB, Flu Shots, Varicella, MMR, dTpa (we will give you the full overview).

✅Second Job Clearance

This is a form you need if you are an NSW Health employee and choosing to locum in another NSW Health LHD. There is a misconception that second job clearance is more about big brother than anything else. Whilst that might seem the case, this isn’t the intent. It is a proactive method used by NSW Health to protect its employees from overworking and is another method of fatigue management.

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I look forward to assisting you on your next locum, and helping to alleviate any credentialing-related stress or uncertainty that you may feel!
— Marcia Beere

➡️What Happens Next?

When you work with Prescript, you will be contacted by either me, Stef or Lee. We will go through all of the NSW Health paperwork with you - some you can choose to do in advance, some you have to do in advance before we can talk about a specific locum position, and the rest we will help you with once a locum is confirmed.

We try and make everything as straightforward as possible. We embrace technology, so nearly all the forms can be done online or with electronic signatures.

➡️Why choose prescript?

The good news is that we know what we are doing (and don’t just take my word as a former JMO Manager!). Not only is Prescript on the official NSW Health Register of Medical Locum Agencies; we have also undergone a very thorough third-party certification audit by Certex.

I look forward to working with you!

About Marcia Beere

Marcia Beere is Prescript’s Credentialing and Recruitment Partner. Her focus is on making sure doctors have everything they need to start on time.

There are three ways to contact Marcia:

  1. Call Marcia on 0416 544 788

  2. Email

  3. Click to ‘Connect with Prescript’

My extensive experience of medical administration in several hospitals means I have seen first hand how the doctor shortage impacts regional communities. I am committed to helping solve this issue.

Prescript are medical recruitment specialists.

At Prescript we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.

Every day we’re focused on two clear outcomes - Helping hospitals find doctors that create departments and clinics that run better, have more capacity and less stress. And placing Doctors in jobs that leave them feeling highly valued, rewarded and, most importantly, enjoying what they do.

We believe that when we get these two crucial things right, it has a huge impact on the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across Australia.

There are three ways to contact us:

  1. Call 1300 755 498

  2. Email

  3. Click 'Connect with Prescript'


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We’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage, leaving doctors loving what they do and regional communities feeling like they have the best doctors in town.