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Doctors - Seven Top Tips For Permanent Job Applications

Firstly – What are your reasons for looking for a new role? Getting an understanding of this helps define the steps you can take.

Some possible reasons are:

➕ “I’m keen to take the next step forward in my career, gain experience in a more senior role, or one that gives me specific exposure to particular modalities / interventional work I have trained in.”

➕ “Location – for my family and me, we would like a move to somewhere better suited to our lifestyle, but I still want to have a well remunerated, clinically challenging role – Even with a sea change/tree change.”

➕ “I have been working in an Area of Need (or DWS) role, and am now eligible to seek positions in locations that are outside that restriction so would like to find the right role and location for myself and my family.”

➕ “For me, it’s about earning capacity; I feel I can get a better remuneration package and conditions elsewhere but it’s not easy to explore all options without spending time and effort, and potentially breaching the confidentiality I wish to maintain at this early stage.”

➕ “I have been approved to find a role that meets Area of Need specifications. We wish to move to Australia but don’t know where to start.”

➕ “I’m not actively looking for a new role; however, I always like to keep an open mind with opportunities that come up.”

Whatever your motivation and reason, I would suggest some of the following tips/ideas to get started, and see you through to being settled and happy in a new role.

1.Start Early

Before you even form a plan, have a confidential discussion where you can begin to gather information to better enable you to make good decisions.

ACTION: Book in a confidential call with one of Prescript’s Senior Recruitment Partners - Nicola Speer or Rebecca Doyle – Both have extensive experience and enjoy listening to your initial thoughts and ideas, work-shopping, giving opinions and information and looking at specific roles to explore further based on your criteria.

2.List your Criteria and Questions

➕ What can I not compromise on?

➕ What are reasonably flexible points for me?

➕ What are my top 3 motivating factors for seeking a new role, or considering one that comes up?

➕ What should I expect in a new position? (Sometimes it’s hard to know how our current situation compares to others in the market – we can help with comparisons)

3.Define a Clear Picture of your Current Situation

List what you would define as ‘Push Factors’ (Factors that are either negative, or lacking in your current role and therefore act as motivators to seek a better situation) and ‘Pull Factors” (What would really appeal in a new position and draw you towards it – money, location, clinical interest, promotion/progression, leadership, team/environment etc).

4.Think About Time Frame

Is there a date for you that would be ideal for securing and starting in a new role? OR, are you flexible and would rather wait for the right position to be found?

We strongly suggest giving yourself as much leeway as possible from the time you start having initial conversations, to securing a position. This takes into account the process needed to look at positions, make visits, negotiate and obtain a role, as well as attend to your current work and living commitments so that you can have adequate notice and time to move.


Most of the permanent roles we work with doctors to secure are not advertised formally

TOP TIP: Don’t sit back and wait to see your ideal position on a website or industry publication.

Instead, be proactive – Speak to us, even if it’s just to say that you want to keep a new role on the radar, and what this would potentially look like.

Doctors who have done this, consistently end up securing a position that is tailored to their needs and wishes and often exceeds their first thoughts.

5.Explore and Get Certainty

In the job seeking process, we adopt a transparent and positive flow of communication that supports you as a radiologist to get a full understanding of the prospective role before you make any commitment. 

This includes:

✔️ In depth discussions of all aspects of a role including: position/scope/location/future growth/remuneration/benefits.

✔️ Talking to clinicians and directors (once you’re happy to) in order to explore options and discuss first hand.

✔️ Visit – Whether for a paid locum where you meet people but also experience hands-on, the site/s, OR, if you’ve flown/travelled there to meet and discuss (this is a critical part of understanding if a particular role is the right one for you - we will facilitate and organise all logistics if this for you).


We know its an important factor and will support you in negotiating a salary/remuneration package, plus benefits that suit you. We work with providers in both the public hospital system and the private sector, that recognise talent and consistently reward radiologists with the best packages.

7.Location, Family and Lifestyle

It’s not all about work, even though it’s often the major factor that shapes our decisions.

Family requirements - now and in the future – partner’s work/children and schooling play a huge part in the job seeking process, and this is something we discuss and factor in right from first discussion.

Location – We all like different places and climates. Identifying what these factors are for you will really make a place feel like home and is an important part of job seeking.

Lifestyle – Why compromise on health and happiness? We don’t want you to do this, and that’s why we consult closely with you to find out what this means for you and your family.

We genuinely hope that you feel comfortable to speak to us, even if it’s an initial discussion that’s about general ideals and thoughts and you’re not necessarily active yet in looking at a new position – We are here for long term assistance and to support you in your career as a doctor.

About Nicola Speer

Nicola Speer is Prescript’s Senior Recruitment Partner for Radiology with a focus on locum and permanent positions across Australia, New Zealand and globally.

Nicola is very happy to answer your questions.

There are three ways to contact Nicola:

  1. Call Nicola on +61 405 429 799 

  2. Email 

  3. Click 'Connect with Prescript' to ask a question online (with the option to upload your CV)

At Prescript we’re known for helping solve the regional doctor shortage in Australia.

Every day we’re focused on two clear outcomes - Helping hospitals find doctors that create departments and clinics that run better, have more capacity and less stress. And placing Doctors in jobs that leave them feeling highly valued, rewarded and, most importantly, enjoying what they do.

We believe that when we get these two crucial things right, it has a huge impact on the regional doctor shortage and the healthcare of communities across Australia.

There are three ways to contact us:

  1. Call 1300 755 498

  2. Email

  3. Click 'Connect with Prescript' to ask a question online (with option to upload your CV)

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